Topic: Cost Of A Brick  (Read 44469 times)
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« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2008, 03:05:57 pm »

I have been silently watching this conversation and other conversations about brick hunting, getting more and more obsesses with the idea, so I went to my bank yesterday and ordered a brick of fives. Nobody said anything about a charge, I wonder if that will come up when I go to pick it up in a week. Did the $60.00 per brick include any fees for returning it?

The fees depend on a lot of things ...if they don't want the hassle you can bet that your fees will be higher if they are willing to get bricks for you at all.
Usually you always pay the $1.10 per bundle at the minimum. Some banks charge additional admin fees, or return fees up to $2.15 / $1000 returned.
Best find out what their policy is before you run into any unexpected costs. They can add up if you don't find anything.
Also, don't assume that you will always find inserts....I'm sure any brick searcher who has searched on a regular basis can tell you that dry spells can last a very very long time without ever finding any.

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« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2008, 05:25:09 pm »

Which bank did you go to?

A TD in the west end of Toronto. I'll let you know what happens, for sure.
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« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2008, 05:33:46 pm »

The fees depend on a lot of things ...if they don't want the hassle you can bet that your fees will be higher if they are willing to get bricks for you at all.
Usually you always pay the $1.10 per bundle at the minimum. Some banks charge additional admin fees, or return fees up to $2.15 / $1000 returned.
Best find out what their policy is before you run into any unexpected costs. They can add up if you don't find anything.
Also, don't assume that you will always find inserts....I'm sure any brick searcher who has searched on a regular basis can tell you that dry spells can last a very very long time without ever finding any.

That's good to know, thanks. Still worth it I think, even if I don't find anything. It's such an interesting thing to do :D
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« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2008, 06:12:39 pm »

A TD in the west end of Toronto. I'll let you know what happens, for sure.

Thanks, I'll try Downtown Toronto next week when i visit home :D My mom's probably gonna think i'm nuts LOL
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« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2008, 12:23:55 am »

Instead of searching through 1000 notes, in a brick, why not start out with bundles ;). What I do, on occasion, is I will ask my teller for just regular bundles of 100 notes. 100 5.00's is 500.00 and 100 10.00's costs 1000.00 which is usually the amount I get. I have been fortunate to find a few Radars and 1 or 2 inserts, however the best condition is always VF to EF ::). This method raises no alarms or flags and they always oblige my request as it takes very little time. Try it and let us know if you find any keepers.
Hudson A B
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« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2008, 09:11:19 am »

Instead of searching through 1000 notes, in a brick, why not start out with bundles ;). What I do, on occasion, is I will ask my teller for just regular bundles of 100 notes. 100 5.00's is 500.00 and 100 10.00's costs 1000.00 which is usually the amount I get. I have been fortunate to find a few Radars and 1 or 2 inserts, however the best condition is always VF to EF ::). This method raises no alarms or flags and they always oblige my request as it takes very little time. Try it and let us know if you find any keepers.

Keywords: you are doing research (which is true), and you contribute it to a hobbyist site, and you report to people who are names in ink, in the catalogue.

So... If you get a  brick, search for stuff, and the post your finds here, then you are validating each of those claims. :-)

Always ask what the easiest way to do it would be - followed by can I just flip cash for cash? - "Like, I can come in with these ten $100s, and then look at these here right in front of you -, then give them back, and it is done.  "    <- always carry some extra notes, so when you slide out the palindrome (and let them know you are taking one out), you need to slide a ratty note in its place.

Just be honest with them.  Direct them to this enthusiast site here (this site) if you need.

Your passion should make them want to help. :-)

Note: if possible, dont let them do a deposit withdrawal at every flip.   Cash for cash, OTC, and always you leave with the stock you came with (plus picked notes).

Lots of ways.  Just get them to know you and what you are doing.

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« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2008, 10:26:06 am »

Instead of searching through 1000 notes, in a brick, why not start out with bundles
Just remember one thing..getting bundles cannot always be a true indicator of finding insert notes as with a new sealed brick. If you find a note that is an already confirmed insert note that is one thing, but bundles have already been taken out of a sealed brick and may have been tampered with intentionally or not.

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« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2008, 01:25:32 pm »

Just be honest with them.  Direct them to this enthusiast site here (this site) if you need.

Your passion should make them want to help. :-)

Note: if possible, dont let them do a deposit withdrawal at every flip.   Cash for cash, OTC, and always you leave with the stock you came with (plus picked notes).

Lots of ways.  Just get them to know you and what you are doing.

That's the best way to work. Being honest got me the brick hassle free and hopefully will help me keep a connection at the bank. I love helping enthusiasts, no matter what the genre (within legal/moral reason) - it is contagious. A friend of mine collects old Olympus lenses - anybody got any for sale? ;)

Is it a big hassle to have the withdrawals recorded? If my account gets flagged, how will it affect me? I guess I'm on my way to finding out since this time there's no easy way for me to trade cash for cash.

Getting bundles is good advice Nova7415, and definitely something I will do as well as ordering bricks. I read an essay I found a link to somewhere on here by Cameron Lefebvre "Journey Series and Replacement Notes: the Truths, Myths and Misconceptions" and realized how important it is to actually search, find and verify replacements. Friedsquid mentioned that bundles aren't always good for locating insert notes so I'm up for the brick hunt, the researcher in me is hooked :D
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« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2008, 02:03:13 pm »

Is it a big hassle to have the withdrawals recorded? If my account gets flagged, how will it affect me? I guess I'm on my way to finding out since this time there's no easy way for me to trade cash for cash.
Any deposit of over 10k is flagged and some banks will require identification when depositing it. Best is to keep the deposits under 10k per day at any particular bank.
Deposit $9990.00 in the account one day and your fine. If you found the radar and repeater that's all you will have left anyways ;D
Once a bank gets to know you better they do gain a certain amount of trust in that your not laundering money which is the number one concern.
No matter what, just be honest with what your doing.  They may think it is strange but atleast you don't start creating some mistrust by making up stories....
like i need a brick of fives to wallpaper a wall in my bedroom, then bring them back saying that the blue tint didn't match the carpeting

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« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2008, 10:40:32 pm »

Exactly. It pays to be honest. My branch has been very good with my orders and they know exactly why I order them for. I'm now at the point where I just simply make a phone call and they would call me back when the order is in.  :) I usually just pay an $11 service charge per brick at my branch and nothing else other than a day or twos interest.

Teeny guy on my shoulder sez, It's only money mon
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« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2008, 02:20:39 pm »

No matter what, just be honest with what your doing.  They may think it is strange but atleast you don't start creating some mistrust by making up stories....
like i need a brick of fives to wallpaper a wall in my bedroom, then bring them back saying that the blue tint didn't match the carpeting

LOL. That's a good one. A lot better than the reason my brother came up with - 'Tell them you thought you needed a ton of fives, but then, like, you realized you didn't...'

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« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2008, 02:28:04 pm »

Exactly. It pays to be honest. My branch has been very good with my orders and they know exactly why I order them for. I'm now at the point where I just simply make a phone call and they would call me back when the order is in.  :) I usually just pay an $11 service charge per brick at my branch and nothing else other than a day or twos interest.

I'd like to get a deal going like yours. That's how all transactions with your bank should be, no matter how annoying/odd. Considering the amount we all overpay in miscellaneous fees and interest there should be a delivery service and free cookies at every branch :D
Punkys Dad
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« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2008, 05:53:02 pm »

Actually I did get complimentary coffee and cookies including a nice authentic TDCT retractable pen. But that was only up to last spring, I guess that stopped when the credit markets began to freeze. The fact that I have a mortgage and line of credit with them would 'grease the wheels' too.

Teeny guy on my shoulder sez, It's only money mon
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« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2008, 08:32:10 pm »

Actually I did get complimentary coffee and cookies including a nice authentic TDCT retractable pen. But that was only up to last spring, I guess that stopped when the credit markets began to freeze. The fact that I have a mortgage and line of credit with them would 'grease the wheels' too.
Hey not only did I get the retractable pen, but 2 $10 Chapters gift cards, An environmentally friendly duffel bag (enough to hold a 2 blocks of notes), a $5 Tim Hortons card, a 2009 calendar, and a really neat desk clock.  Oh yeah and two stainless steel water bottles ;D,

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« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2008, 08:38:18 pm »

Squid, I told you not to keep talking about when you crashed the TD Canada Trust golf tournament and stole half the door prizes... The cops are going to be after you!

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