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31   Counterfeit Currency / Re: Spot a fake

on October 08, 2024, 08:16:54 pm

Started by laurie - Last post by BWJM

I had a whole pile of those back in the day to hand out at our coin club, etc.

32   Counterfeit Currency / Re: Spot a fake

on October 07, 2024, 04:24:23 pm

Started by laurie - Last post by laurie

Next post
 These ones are more simple. Plasticized card on a key ring with a cheap plastic magnifier. I see no year of issue, but end of birds start journey I guess.

33   Counterfeit Currency / Spot a fake

on October 07, 2024, 04:00:59 pm

Started by laurie - Last post by laurie

 Found these in a box at home.My wife worked in a grocery store as a cashier and she was given these many years ago to help spot counterfeit bills. the attachment with colour distortion is a lenticular plastic card the size of a credit card. The face shows a frontier series 20. At the top in a bar above the picture of the note it says "Tilt"then as you tilt the card it says"Look through" tilt a bit more and it shows "Touch". All is in english and french. The picture of the note has three different views. One highlights the holographic strip to the left of the Queen. The next the Imbedded strip along with the see through window of the Queen and the partial "20" that is only complete if you hold it to the light.
The back of the card shows the back of the note.It has the same "Tilt"  and "look through" but no "touch". Instead the third tilt shows the Bank of Canada logo  with the words Bank of Canada at the top left. under that it says "Check to Protect! , Five denominations -same security features "Look at" the appearance and action of each security feature carefully. At the bottom Bank of Canada 2008. Serial #DOC 1234567 yeah DOC.

34   Show and Tell / Re: Banknotes with a yours here too!

on October 07, 2024, 08:50:58 am

Started by Dean - Last post by Breanna72

Hey Dean,

I think this one says "Walter"  and the last bit the old short form for Alberta was it Abta?

35   Show and Tell / Re: Banknotes with a yours here too!

on October 06, 2024, 02:30:46 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Dean

October 5th finds, part 4.

This 1954 $10 is defaced with the hand written date “Apr 8/71” on the back and the person also added “Mc” in front of the word “Dollars” on the front.  “McDollars”?  😂. Perhaps it was written by a disgruntled McDonald’s employee…


36   Show and Tell / Re: Banknotes with a yours here too!

on October 06, 2024, 02:28:46 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Dean

Oct 5th finds part 3:

These teller stamped notes contained interesting information. 

The 1979 $20 is from some Caisse Populaire (Credit Union).

This 1954 $10 has a pink stamp of death on it.  The transit number is 06342-003.
A quick search reveals it to be:

The Royal Bank of Canada
Rexdale & Kipling branch
129 Rexdale Blvd.
Etobicoke Ont.
M9W 1P4

Unfortunately, I can’t figure out the date on the stamp.

The $1 note has the transit number 24452-001.
A quick search reveals it to be:

The Bank of Montreal
154 Main St. East
North Bay, Ont.
P1B 1A8

On to part 4!

37   Show and Tell / Re: Banknotes with a yours here too!

on October 06, 2024, 02:12:45 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Dean

October 5th finds, part 2:

This 1972 $20 has the date “Sept 24 1974” and a partial location which I assume is somewhere in Manitoba stamped on it twice.

This US $2 has the year 1978 stamped on it.

And someone saw fit to give the Queen a beard and a unibrow…

On to part 3!


38   Show and Tell / Re: Banknotes with a yours here too!

on October 06, 2024, 02:08:35 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Dean

October 5th Coin Expo finds plus leftover finds from the Guelph coin show. Part 1

I bought some cool notes at the last couple of shows I attended.  Here we go!

This 1900 shinplaster has “Wallis Prisin”. (I think…) and some more unintelligible writing on it.

This 1937 $1 is dated  7-29-1953 and has something written in the signature panel “Trymorrha”? I really don’t know what it says…

To be continued…

39   Show and Tell / Re: Dean’s finds

on October 06, 2024, 01:57:05 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Dean

October 5th finds from the Toronto Coin Expo:

I went to the expo yesterday and picked up a few notes for my collection (and a few for Claude) 😀

I’ll elaborate on the defaced notes in my other thread, but in terms of other finds, I managed to get a few BFF prefix $1s for my hoard, and a few “777” notes for the newest branch of my collection…You guessed it…notes with “777” in the serial number.

When you have been collecting for as long as I have, you need to find other things to collect in order to keep it interesting.  That’s why I started collecting defaced notes and other oddities.


40   Show and Tell / Re: 1947* penny

on October 06, 2024, 01:52:08 pm

Started by Breanna72 - Last post by Dean

Very nice find!
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